a reflection about the word "SORRY" / Sebuah Renungan Untuk Kata "MAAF"
Hours are shown the number eleven, when I sit lay down in the living room. Of course my wife and son Aisha was already asleep lelap.Tapi why Aisha's door still open? I was stunned as he stood at the front door of Ayesha's room. Ayesha asleep at his desk, hands his right still holding a pencil and it seems he wrote something in a book There he wrote and a mug of coffee. "This child unusually, drinking coffee," I thought.
I picked her place to sleep. Take care of the desk messy, but before I closed the book I wrote want to see what is written Ayesha. I was stunned for a moment tulisan2nya reading, it turns out all stories about myself. Until I read the last three sheets really touched my heart.
In the first piece she wrote: "Today my father did not accompany me to the bookstore, maybe father could not leave his job. I understand with kesibukanmu father. " I remember a few weeks ago asked Aisha to the bookstore, I remember once talking with a plain style. "Daddy this afternoon there's no activity," said Aisha when I'll go to work. "What is love," I replied. "My father would not accompany Ayesha to the bookstore?" "If the father is not busy this afternoon will try dad yach accompany you. " "Thank you, father," said Aisha, a face so very happy as she kissed my cheek. I smiled to see acting funny and adorable.
In the second piece he wrote: "Today my father is not so again accompanied me to the record store, and I'd love Sulis heard his song and play it in my room when I 'm alone so I do not feel lonely. Actually I want to pick a mother but I'd love the company of his father. But lagi2 busy dad. " And I remember back when Aisha was never invited me accompany him to buy cassettes. If he wants to take him always talking sepertiini, "Dad this afternoon or not busy Dad later evening event? "The language was very polite I think so I was not able to say no even though I sometimes can not fulfill her desire.
In the last piece he wrote: "Today and for umpteenth time, fathers can not accompany me. I've been asked the father to the market this evening when his last day there are night markets in komplekku and I've promised the same pack Mamat if I would buy a doll that had been offered Mamat afternoon when the pack passed in front of my house, I told Mamat pack if I would go with dad to the evening market and I'll buy a pack doll Mamat. Because the father is still Mamat pack would not back already sold it. Pak Mamat Ayesha forgive yah. Tomorrow morning will be waiting in front of Aisyah home and apologize to Mr. Mamat if Aisha could not go to the night market. This time it was Aisha who will go first apologize, usually a pack of Mamat always apologize if 've seen me in front of the house waiting for a magazine that I had ordered. He always said, "sorry yah neng Mamat pack late." Whereas I think Mr Mamat not too late just me waiting too fast. Seeing that I've been waiting He pedaled faster. When I asked why Pak Mamat's always sorry when you do not pack Mamat have one on Ayesha. "Yeah neng did not want to pack Mamat neng disappointing Aisha told you yesterday when the pack Mamat nganterin pagi2 orders before neng neng Aisha go to school. Try if advent oversleep pack Mamat neng definitely disappointed, Pak Mamat not want neng, disappoint people because of the disappointment it would cause injury in the liver. Neng and hard to heal unless we're sorry with sincere people we have kecewakan ".
It reminded me of the same father, my father never said sorry me, or maybe because my father thought I was a kid or ah, I do not want to prejudice against fathers. Despite the fact I was very disappointed with my father but I not want to keep that disappointment in the liver. Even my heart is always open to say sorry dad.
I cried reading Ayesha, Ayesha I approach the the bed while I watched his face plain. Aisha sorry my dear father, it turns out you have a heart of gold. I did not Aisha never apologized for a never janji2 fill him. And I always thought he'd forgotten when I see early in the morning her face was so bright and always smiling. And turns out he was still remembered in tulisan2nya. Ah, for some how many strokes already existing sense of disappointment in yours if you do not forgive my father. Ayesha, the father will waiting to wake up to ask for your forgiveness.
--- To my dear child Aisha ---
Reflection: Sometimes we are embarrassed or reluctant to just just say the word "sorry" and let it be goresan2 lasting wound in my heart. Or maybe we often assume that they will forget it after several days. Then if you've done the same thing like me, never too late to apologized to people you've ever kecewakan. Do not ashamed to do the right thing even if it is your do to a child or friend, because they also have a conscience. And if they're still smiling you even though you've let them down you should grateful for that gift.
Losing A Piece Of My Soul
I came to you the hour I was in pain Looking for answers, I cried to you in vain.
I shared the many skeletons hiding in my heart, I knew then you'd be my friend, I knew it from the start.
Troubles ran like rivers, flowing through my life, You picked the pieces up and help me through my strife.
When home wasn't home to me no more, You opened up your heart, and opened up the door.
We cried into night until the early morn. We solaced each other's pain and shared our many thorns.
As time flew, the air grew thick, I saw our friendship fading, and my heart grew sick.
The day had arrived, When it was time to say goodbye.
Now I sit alone, reminiscing the past I'd blown.
issengi nda tw apa judul na............................. hanya asal ngetik sajalahhhhhh,,,,
padahal sampai saat hari inipun perasaan yg ku rasa dalam diriku masih tercampur aduk bagai gado² yg tampa arti apappun untuk d selami.................
hari ini ku hanya bisa melakukan yg biasanya kulakukan kegiatan aktifitas seperti hari² kemaren..................
apa salah jika ku ingin teriak dengan keluhan ku seperi ni
Nasruddin mengenakan jubah sufinya dan memutuskan untuk melakukan sebuah pengembaraan suci. Di tengah perjalanan, ia bertemu dengan seorang yogi dan seorang pendeta.
Mereka bertiga sepakat membentuk tim. Ketika sampai di sebuah perkampungan, kedua teman seperjalanan meminta Nasruddin untuk mencari dana, sementara mereka berdua berdakwah. Nasruddin berhasil mengumpulkan uang yang kemudian dibelanjakannya untuk halwa.
Nasruddin menyarankan agar makanan itu segera dibagi, tapi yang lain merasa belum terlalu lapar sehingga diputuskan untuk membaginya pada malam harinya saja.
Mereka bertiga melanjutkan perjalanan. Dan ketika malam tiba, Nasruddin langsung meminta porsinya "karena akulah alat untuk memperoleh makanan itu."
Sementara itu, yang lain tidak setuju. Sang pendeta mengajukan alasan. Karena bentuk tubuhnya yang paling bagus, maka pantaslah kalau ia yang makan lebih dulu.
Sang yogi juga menyampaikan keadaan dirinya bahwa ia hanya makan sekali dalam tiga hari terakhir ini. Karenanya harus mendapat bagian yang lebih banyak.
Akhirnya mereka putuskan untuk tidur dengan sebuah janji bahwa yang malamnya bermimpi paling bagus, boleh makan halwa lebih dulu. Begitu bangun, sang pendeta bilang: "Dalam mimpi aku melihat pendiri agamaku membuat tanda salib. Itu berarti aku telah memperoleh berkah istimewa."
Yang lain merasa amat terkesan, tapi kemudian sang yogi menyambung: "Aku mimpi pergi ke Nirwana, tapi tidak menemukan apa-apa."Sekarang giliran Nasruddin.
"Aku mimpi bertemu seorang guru Sufi, Nabi Khidir, yang hanya muncul di depan orang yang paling suci. Ia berkata: 'Nasruddin, makanlah halwa itu sekarang juga!' Dan, tentu saja, aku harus mematuhinya."
The most beautiful ..
As you near me,, keep me company ..
Do not want my little one away from you,,
Although I know, you're not mine ..
Can not accept you into his,,
But I realized, we are not destined to be together forever.
But one thing is very grateful for,,
can know you have to fill and paint my life..
although it gave me the spirit of useless to me!
I begged one ..
do not you leave me alone, if you still want to melihathu here.
I need of you,,
you're the best ..